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Water care, essential for our operation

Water care, essential for our operation

For Banacol, respect for nature is fundamental and we know that water is one of the most precious natural resources for humanity and essential for the development of agriculture; This is why we consider it essential to manage the care and preservation of water resources, since the permanence of all expressions of life on the planet, global food security, the supply of communities and the productivity of the business depend on it.

In this line, we work on the implementation of best practices, not only to comply with regulations but to conserve this essential resource for everyone’s life.

Our practices focus on carrying out processes of water capture, management of discharges and reuse of the resource, seeking its maximum use, in order to make efficient use of this resource; always taking into consideration the care of ecosystems and the particularities of the region where we operate.

We also have a measurement of the water footprint according to the specifications of the ISO14046 standard; This is how we calculate the footprints: blue, which refers to the water incorporated into the product, from natural sources; green, which refers to the water that evaporates, such as rain, which is incorporated into the crop; and the gray one that corresponds to the volume of contaminated water in the process. All this, based on water consumption, taking into account the origin of the resource (aqueduct, underground water catchment, rainwater, cisterns and recirculated water), as well as the wastewater discharges generated. In this way we can have a better control of the indicators, always in the search of optimizing processes to achieve greater control and care of the water resource.

Additionally, our actions are under the control and surveillance of the competent environmental authority, Corpourabá, with which we work hand in hand, bearing in mind that each drop is essential and that its care is the basis for the correct operation and preservation of our business.

Below, we share our water footprint results for 2019 presented in our Sustainability Report.


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