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Sustainability report 2022

Message from Management

We are a company in constantly learning, consolidating and growing.

This allows us to be resilient in the face of challenges and to pursue our committed of being agents of change and fostering well-being for our stakeholders and the planet.

Mensaje de la administración

Somos una compañía en constante aprendizaje, consolidación y crecimiento.

Esto nos permite ser resilientes en medio de los desafíos y seguir nuestro propósito de ser generadores de cambio y cultivar bienestar para nuestros grupos de interés y el planeta.

Our sustainable management Highlights

in Numbers

We harvest fruits that bring well-being to the planet and future generations. With this purpose, we have achieved sustainable management that allows us to build a future.

Nuestra gestión sostenible

En cifras

Cosechamos frutos que entregan bienestar para el planeta y las futuras generaciones. Con este propósito hemos logrado una gestión sostenible que nos permiten construir futuro.

Te presentamos nuestros resultados.

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About Banacol

We cultivate a sustainable present

Banacol cultivates the present to harvest a better future. That’s why we work with passion, closeness, transparency, and excellence. We live these values daily in all the actions we undertake across our businesses.

Acerca de Banacol

un presente sostenible

Cada una de nuestras operaciones en Colombia trasciende fronteras y nos permite llevar nuestros productos de manera sostenible y con calidad a 18 países del mundo.

Strategy and Sustainability

We cultivate the present to ensure a sustainable future

Our mission as farmers is to care for the land, promote food security, and generate conditions of well-being for the people in the regions and communities where we operate.

Estrategia y sostenibilidad

Cultivamos el presente con un futuro sostenible

Nuestra misión como agricultores es cuidar el campo, promover la seguridad alimentaria y generar condiciones de bienestar para las personas de las regiones y las comunidades donde operamos.

Economic context

We cultivate progress

Operational excellence, productivity, cost control, quality, optimization, service and sustainability are part of the strategic goals we aim to fulfill with the purpose of transforming and evolve as a business

Entorno económico

Cultivamos progreso

La excelencia operativa, la productividad, el control del costo, la calidad, el servicio y la optimización, son parte nuestros objetivos estratégicos para transformarnos y evolucionar como negocio.

Social context

Well-being for a better social future

We promote formal employment, equal opportunities, and personal and professional development.

Environmental context

We cultivate the planet

Our commitment to the planet is relentless and evolving. For us, mitigating climate change concerns everyone and, in Banacol, it is part of both our strategic management approach and our DNA. 

Entorno ambiental

Cultivamos el planeta

Nuestro compromiso con el planeta es constante y evolutivo. Para nosotros es importante mitigar el cambio climático es una labor de todos y en Banacol, esto forma parte de nuestra gestión estratégica y nuestro ADN.

Nuestra gestión ambiental

Focos de acción

Gestión de emisiones y cambio climático

Entorno ambiental

Gestión de emisiones y cambio climático

Certificación Carbono Neutro

Medición de huella de carbono


0 %
de toneladas de CO2 de emisiones de carbono con respecto a 2021.
Gestión de la energía

Entorno ambiental

Gestión de la energía

Esto es energía que cuida nuestro planeta

Trabajamos con procesos de ecoeficiencia para buscar la menor intensidad energética.

Consumo de energía (kWh)


Intesidad energética (kWh/t)

Gestión del agua

Entorno ambiental

Gestión del agua

El agua es fuente de vida y es nuestra responsabilidad tener una práctica sostenible y consciente con este recurso hídrico.
0 Pozos
0 piscinas
pueden llenarse con los
0 ,06 m3
reusada y aprovechados en la operación de Banacol.
Calculamos y gestionamos constantemente nuestra huella hídrica especificada por la norma

ISO 14046.

Gestión de residuos

Entorno ambiental

Gestión de residuos

Disposición final del banano no exportable

0 ,2%
Puré y harina de banano
0 ,8%
Mercado nacional
0 %
Reincorporado a la tierra de los cultivos
0 ,11 %
toneladas de residuos no peligrosos.
En Agriplast el 0 %
del insumo usado para la producción de soga de polipropileno fue con material reciclado.
0 %
de soga de polipropileno usado en las fincas se recicló.

Entorno ambiental


Sembramos más de

0 árboles
en 3 años
0 ,3
hectáreas a la conservación.
Esto es el 8% del área total de las fincas.

Sustainability stories

Sofía Rodríguez
Footballer and participant of the Social and Competitive Sports Program

Sofía dreams of becoming a star like Cristiano Ronaldo. Her dream led her to Apartadó, where she learned about the sports school by our GreenLand Foundation (FGL). Today, she is a part of this program, which has trained professional football players signed to different clubs throughout the country. In this way, we also cultivate a better social future in the communities.


Sustainability stories

Luz Dary Zapata
Plantain farmer

Luz Dary has been exporting bananas from her farm through Banacol for 35 years, which has helped support her family and generate employment in Urabá. We believe in the progress of regions, which is why stories like this inspire us


Sustainability stories

María Claudina Gómez
complementary tasks staff at Banacol’s ‘Durazno’ Estate.

This is a story about equal opportunities, the inclusion of women in our agricultural activities with technical and human training, and how employment on a Banacol farm has allowed María Claudina to fulfill her dreams and those of her family.


Sustainability stories

Vannesa Paredes
General Director, Corpourabá

The relationship we have with entities such as Corpourabá allows us to generate impactful results in the preservation and enrichment of the environment. This is how we cultivate the present for a sustainable future.


Sustainability stories

Yulitza David
GreenLand Talents program participant.

Yulitza found it important to improve her public speaking skills and teamwork abilities, and she achieved this through the Talentos GreenLand program. This space has helped her strengthen her self-confidence in all aspects of her life. We are aware that young people are the future of our country and a fundamental axis for development.


Sustainability stories

Yulman Rodríguez
Beneficiary of the program entitled Health for the well-being of the families

Nutrition during pregnancy is an investment in the future of new generations. The importance of eating well during pregnancy guarantees the well-being of children and families. This is a commitment we have taken on because it contributes to our purpose of cultivating well-being.


Sustainability stories

Sofía Rodríguez
Footballer and participant of the Social and Competitive Sports Program

Sofía dreams of becoming a star like Cristiano Ronaldo. Her dream led her to Apartadó, where she learned about the sports school by our GreenLand Foundation (FGL). Today, she is a part of this program, which has trained professional football players signed to different clubs throughout the country. In this way, we also cultivate a better social future in the communities.


Sustainability stories

Luz Dary Zapata
Plantain farmer

Luz Dary has been exporting bananas from her farm through Banacol for 35 years, which has helped support her family and generate employment in Urabá. We believe in the progress of regions, which is why stories like this inspire us


Sustainability stories

María Claudina Gómez
complementary tasks staff at Banacol’s ‘Durazno’ Estate.

This is a story about equal opportunities, the inclusion of women in our agricultural activities with technical and human training, and how employment on a Banacol farm has allowed María Claudina to fulfill her dreams and those of her family.


Sustainability stories

Vannesa Paredes
General Director, Corpourabá

The relationship we have with entities such as Corpourabá allows us to generate impactful results in the preservation and enrichment of the environment. This is how we cultivate the present for a sustainable future.


Sustainability stories

Yulitza David
GreenLand Talents program participant.

Yulitza found it important to improve her public speaking skills and teamwork abilities, and she achieved this through the Talentos GreenLand program. This space has helped her strengthen her self-confidence in all aspects of her life. We are aware that young people are the future of our country and a fundamental axis for development.


Sustainability stories

Yulman Rodríguez
Beneficiary of the program entitled Health for the well-being of the families

Nutrition during pregnancy is an investment in the future of new generations. The importance of eating well during pregnancy guarantees the well-being of children and families. This is a commitment we have taken on because it contributes to our purpose of cultivating well-being.

Highlights in numbers

Economic context

We exported

of banana boxes.

We have

0  hectares
of productive banana plantations.

We reached over

0 countries
with our products and/or services.

We exported

of plantain boxes.

We supported 592 plantain producers, from whom 550 are small producers.

Highlights in numbers

Social context

We have more than

0   years
of social management work through the GreenLand Foundation (FGL).
people benefited in 2022 through the social programs of our GreenLand Foundation (FGL).

We are a team of

0 people
focused on building a stronger company, region and country.

We currently have

0 %
female participation in our banana farms. By 2023, our goal is to reach 20% representation of women.
0 young
individuals joined our banana farms.

Highlights in numbers

Environmental context

We planted

+   0 trees
in 3 years.

Reduction of the carbon footprint by

- 0
with respect to 2021.

We allocated

0 .33 hectares
to conservation efforts.

We have reused

0 .11 m3
of water in the banana farms.

Dimensión del grupo

en Colombia


Recorre aquí nuestras operaciones en el país.

Dimensión del grupo

en el mundo

Recorre aquí nuestros destinos internacionales.


Dimensión del grupo

Agrupaciones de negocios

Banacol hace parte de GreenLand. De esta manera, cada uno de los negocios que conforman nuestro grupo empresarial está orientado al propósito de Cultivar bienestar. Nos une la misma filosofía y el espíritu de contribuir a la construcción del país que queremos.
Fundación GreenLand (FGL)

Environmental context

Management of emissions and climate change

Carbon Neutral certification

Carbon footprint measurement

We have reduced carbon
dioxide emissions by

0 %
compared to 2021.

Environmental context

Energy management

This is energy that cares for our planet

We work on eco-efficiency processes, aiming for lower energy intensity.

Energy consumption (kWh)


Energy intensity (kWh/t)


Environmental context

Water resource management

Water is the source of life, and it is our responsibility to have a sustainable and conscious approach to this water resource.

We constantly calculate and manage our water footprint according to the

ISO 14046 standard.

0 swimming pools
can be filled with the 344,262.06 m3
of water that Banacol has reused and utilized in its operations.
0 .2%
Banana puree and flour
0 .8%
Domestic market
0 %
Reincorporated into the soil of the plantations

Environmental context

Waste management

Circular economy

0 %
of the plastics used to bag produce were recycled.
In Agriplast 0 %
of the supplies used to manufacture polypropylene rope were recycled materials.
0 %
of the polypropylene rope used in the plantations was recycled.

Environmental context


0 hectares
allocated for conservation 8% of the total area
of the estates.
+ 0 trees
planted in 3 years.